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24 June 2021

The scholarship

La bourse étudiante
A student scholarship is a financial benefit calculated on social criteria. This is why it is called "Bourse sur critères sociaux". It is awarded by the CROUS (Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires).

If you are eligible for this grant, its amount will vary according to the family's income or that of the applicant's household.

The scholarship on social criteria has between 0 and 7 levels. The amount paid increases in proportion to the number of steps awarded.

However, the attribution of this student grant is subject to certain conditions:
  • Age : If this is the first application for a student grant, the applicant must be less than 28 years old on September 1st of the academic year.
  • Diploma : The student must prove that he or she has a bachelor's degree or an equivalent diploma. This condition is not required for the award of a scholarship for the second year of higher education.

  • Nationality: You must be a French citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union (or a state that is part of the European Economic Area). For students of other nationalities, you must have a valid residence permit and have lived in France for at least two years. Then, you must be attached to a tax household (father, mother or legal guardian) located in France for at least two years.
  • Resources: Three criteria are taken into account to determine your scholarship entitlement and your level :
  • The family's income
  • The number of children dependent on the family for tax purposes
  • The distance from the place of study.

These income limits are updated each year. The amount of the grant is paid directly to the student at the beginning of the month, often over a period of 10 months (from September to June).